WiDS Remarkable Leaders

NEW STARTING IN 2025: The WiDS Executive Committee listened to your feedback and with the support of our sponsor, Leonardo, we have changed the name of our Emerging Leader program to our Remarkable Leader program to be more inclusive of women at any point in their career. From junior levels to senior executives, all women deserve recognition for their positive contribution and impact to the Canadian defence and security industry.

WiDS works to provide women with a network that empowers them to be their whole selves - because we know that a more diverse and inclusive community makes us all stronger. Nominated annually at our Awards Breakfast by participating organizations, the WiDS Remarkable Leaders campaign celebrates the value women bring to Canada’s Defence and Security community.

Who is a Remarkable Leader?

Any person who identifies as a woman who is at any stage of their career and is doing great things. It is a person who is inspiring change, blazing a trail, creating trends and setting an example for other young women to follow. It is a person who deserves to be recognized for her contribution to her work. 

How do you submit someone for recognition as a Remarkable Leader?

The Remarkable Leader campaign is associated with the Annual Awards Breakfast. Therefore, any company or department who purchases an in-person table or 10 virtual tickets to the WiDS flagship event, can submit a Remarkable Leader for recognition at the Breakfast. The link to submit a Remarkable Leader will be sent to the individual who purchased the tickets shortly after the purchase is complete. All submissions will be required two weeks before the Breakfast in order to have the Remarkable Leader recognized at the Annual Awards Breakfast. 

Thank you to our 2025 Remarkable Leaders Sponsor:

Join us in recognizing our 2025 Remarkable Leaders!

Ellen .
Cryptologic Researcher
Daniela A
Deputy Chief of Workforce Programs
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
Breann Albert
Supervisor, Internal Communications
Kelly Alder
Associate Manager, Hardware Engineering
Lockheed Martin Canada
Devon Appolon
Account Executive
Dell Technologies
Michelle Armstrong
Sustainment Projects Team Senior Manager
Babcock Canada
Shannon B
Chief - Strategy and Risk
Public Safety Canada
Alexandra Bachtold
Project Engineering Specialist
General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada
Hayley Barr
Special Advisor for the NC3 Centre of Responsibility for Cybercrime
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Kasey Beggs
Business Development
Duke Smart Staffing Solutions
Meagan Bocking
Quality Assurance Manager
Tulmar Safety Systems Inc.
Kristina Bowes
Strategic Advisor, Program Management
Pinar Buberoglu
Client Engagement Manager – Joint Defence Cloud Program (JDCP)
Department of National Defence
Amanda Cadieux
Team Lead, Rifle Sights
Raytheon ELCAN
Meghan Cassidy
Director – Defense User Information Technology Support (DUITS)
Department of National Defence
Alessandra Cereseto
Celina Chan
Systems Engineer
ADGA Group
Stacey Chaney, PMP®
Project Manager — Senior Security Consultant
ADGA Group
Jessica Chiasson
Technical Manager
Genoa Design International
Renee Chow
A/Centre Director, Toronto Research Centre
Erika Cion
Senior Engineer
Lockheed Martin Canada
Martine Clement
Supervisor, Secure Product Assurance and Use
Luana Cruz
Office Administrator / Project Coordinator
Saab Canada, Inc.
Sarah Dang
Department of National Defence
Debbie Depatie
Director of Finance and Infrastructure
Thales Canada, Systems Division
Amy Dolomount
Director of Operations
Leonardo DRS
Stéphanie Dumoulin
Director, Strategic Implementation Team
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Bianca E.
Communications & Electronics Engineering Officer
Canadian Forces Information Operations Group
Nadine Etong
Director Product Management, Aerospace & Defense
Stacey Fabiano
Technology Delivery Lead Manager
Jess Fetterman
Chief Engineer – Polar Icebreaker
Seaspan Shipyards
Joanne Frechette
Senior Manager – National Software Licensing (NSL)
Karine G
Foresight, Innovation and Partnership Lead
Public Safety Canada
WO Stephanie Gartshore
2nd Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Signals Troop Sergeant Major
Canadian Armed Forces
Betty Gonzalez
HR Business Partner
General Dynamics Mission Systems - Canada
Celine Gott
General Dynamics Mission Systems - Canada
Audrée Gratton
Corporate Services Analysts- Security Team Lead
Emmanuëlle Gratton
Air Force Officer
Canadian Forces
Ashlee Hanratty
HSE Compliance Manager
Thales Canada Inc.
Alexandria Harmsworth
Specialist, Industrial Security
L3Harris Technologies
Peggy Harris
Protective Services Officer
Royal Canadian Mint
Lillian Hayward
Manager, Program Integration
Canadian Coast Guard
WO Stephanie Hepburn
Director General Intelligence Enterprise
Jessica Hewett
Catherine Jellett
Senior Policy Analyst
Canadian Coast Guard
Divya Jhunjhunwala
Sales- Account Representative
Microsoft Canada
Rachael Johnson
Intermediate Consultant
BMT Fleet Technology
Shannon Kenward
VP of Operations
PureLogic IT Solutions
Dawn Laite
A/Deputy Warden
Correctional Service Canada
Claudia Langevin
Senior Analyst
Bank of Canada
Catherine Le Blanc
Senoir Project Engineer
Canadian Coast Guard
Carinna Lin
Mangager, IT Security
Kathryn Logan
Barbara M
Chief IT Security
Public Safety Canada
Erin MacNeil
Head, Research Engineering and Development Section
Defence Research and Development Canada
Charlain Malcolm
Supply Chain Specialist
Marshall Aerospace Canada Inc
Stéphanie Malouin
Human Resource Business Partner
L3Harris Technologies
Raffaela Mandarino
Canadian Border Services Agency
Karen Mann
Manager Emergency Management Projects
Amy Marshall
Firearms and use of force instructor
Canada Border Services Agency
Alisha McCafferty
Royal Canadian Navy
Sarah McGee
Senior Trade Compliance Officer - Lead
General Dynamics Mission Systems - Canada
Michelle Monte
Sr. Associate, Software Engineering
L3Harris Technologies
Emma Moon
Engineering Manager
Marie-Josée Moranville
Detector Dog Handler
Canada Border Services Agency
Edheen Ndenzako
Policy Analyst
Sabrina Ornawka
GIS Consultant
ESRI Canada Inc.
Aliénor Peyrefitte
Chief of Staff
Samuel Associates
Christine Plume
Air Maintenance Attractions Team Lead
Royal Canadian Air Force
LCdr Kim Poirrier
Operational Support Capabilities Development Analyst
Department of National Defence
Lorna Prosper
Business Development/ Capture Manager
Amazon Web Services
Jihan Rabah
Research Advisor
Government of Canada
Stéphanie Raymond
HR Business Partner
General Dynamics - OTS Canada
Danielle Rees
Logistics Officer
Department of National Defence
Major Heather Reibin
J9 Compliance, Canadian Forces Real Property Operations Group
Canadian Armed Forces
Kassandra Rizzopoulos
Software Eng Developer
General Dynamics Mission Systems–Canada
Christi Robitaille
Bank of Canada
Lori-Ann Roper
IT Technician – Joint Defence Cloud Program
Department of National Defence
Amber Rosich
Canada Border Services Agency
Jill Ross
Senior Account Executive
PureLogic IT Solutions
Susan Rowsell
Bio Threat Defence Section
Department of National Defence
Sara Roy
Group Leader, Software Engineering
L3Harris Technologies
Tammy Ryan
Research Manager, Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization Unit, Research Branch
Correctional Service of Canada
Alexandra Sirois
Head, Protection and Weapons Effects
DRDC Valcartier
Zoe Slumkoski
Welding Technologist
Melissa Smith
Quality Coordinator
BAE Systems Canada
Sarah Spence
Christine St. Clair
Executive Assistant
Chantal Strachan
Tamara Tardif
Software Team Lead
CCX Technologies
Po Tea-Duncan
Chief Information Security Officer of the Government of Canada
Treasury Board Secretariat
Dalyce Temple
Sarah Thomson
Quality Assurance Manager
Vard Marine Inc.
Julianne Upton
Senior Internal Communications Advisor
Canadian Coast Guard
Kennedy Upton
Management Consultant
Shaunese Vachon
Supervisor, Cyber Exploitation Risk Training & Certification
Jen Van Blitterswyk
Electronic Information Environment (EIE) Lead
Boeing Canada
Kim Vrieling
Company Security Officer, Information Systems
Cathy Walker
Director Business Relationship Management (DBRM)
Department of National Defence
Susan Watson
Defence Scientist
KerryAnn Windsor
A/Deputy Director, Science Integration
Department of National Defence
Sarah Wood
Systems Engineering Analyst
General Dynamics Mission Systems–Canada

Thank you to our generous sponsors

Patron Sponsor
Parent Organization and Strategic Partner